Our services

Strategy systems and culture

We love good strategy. A strategy with a clear vision, underpinned by strong values and engagement, which drills down into tangible actions, and tells the story of progress. It is a thing of beauty.

But a strategy alone won’t get the job done. Systems and culture need to be aligned to support the strategy. We know this alignment is key to delivering real, lasting change efficiently.

Bring us in to work with your business, government department or agency, community organisation or not-for-profit to develop and align your strategy, systems, and culture.

Events, engagement and facilitation

We love asking questions, sharing information, and listening deeply to what people want to tell us. We love synthesising shared insights into stories with resonance, that help good things happen.

Our staff have a wealth of experience working with all kinds of interesting people, including farmers, executives, First Nations people, LGBTIQA+ communities, newly arrived migrants, young people, grandparents and everyone in between.

We love creating spaces for you to talk, listen and co-design with your staff, customers, community, and other stakeholders.

Program design and implementation

We can help you design a change-for-good program or service – from inception to evaluation – that’s just right for your businesses, staff, or community. We do our best work through co-design, where your target audiences get a say in the service or program design.

We are all about action on the ground. We never want to be the kind of consultants who write a report and walk away. We love translating a good idea into action.

If you need support implementing our advice (or even someone else’s) we can help you take it from words on a page into action. You might need someone to deliver specific elements, or just someone to pick up the phone for advice or a fresh perspective.

Selected projects

  • Community Reference Group. Photo care of Mt Alexander Shire Council.

    Sustainability Strategy – Mount Alexander Shire Council

    In partnership with Rob Law Consulting, we led the development of the first Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan for the Shire.

    It was important to hear from staff across Council, the community and other stakeholders to develop a locally relevant Strategy. As such, we delivered a range of internal and external workshops, along with a community survey.

  • Blue and white CarbonDown logo


    While setting up the Centre for Excellence in Sustainability and Innovation at VECCI, Kate worked with Sustainability Victoria to lead the design and development of the CarbonDown program and the business case through the Victorian Government’s processes.

    Carbon Down partnered with like-minded companies and organisations, offering knowledge, funding and support to help small and medium-sized businesses find new ways of thinking and operating in the carbon economy, and make it easier for them to take action on climate change.

  • Cooler Changes workshop. Participants voting on the actions these believe will be most impactful.

    Cool-ER Changes Community and Stakeholder workshops - Macedon Ranges Shire Council

    The Cool-ER Changes project will result in a Council’s inaugural shire-wide Climate Emergency Response Plan.

    In partnership with Once Upon Tomorrow, we are delivering a series of 6 community and stakeholder workshops to ensure everyone in the Shire has the opportunity to influence the Plan.

  • Man playing tennis with a love heart made of tennis balls in the background. Photo care of Game On Recycling Instagram.

    Game On Recycling Business Model – ANZRP

    Let Me Be Frank was engaged by the Australia New Zealand Recycling Platform (ANZRP) to develop a sustainable business model for their Game On Recycling pilot program. Game On Recycling collects and recycles sporting equipment across Australia in partnership with retailers like Rebel Sport and manufacturers like Wilson. The business model was approved by the Board and is currently being rolled out.

  • Examples of life scripts prescribed.

    Life Scripts

    Kate worked on Lifescripts with health industry thought leaders like Maree Davidson at Davidson Consulting and Nancy Huang at Vicfit. Life Scripts helped GPs talk to their patients about healthier lifestyle choices and to “prescribe” activities to help people get more active, quit smoking, improve nutrition, reduce their drinking and lose weight.

    Kate coordinated with seven universities to ensure that the program design and materials were based on best practice evidence. Intensive market research was used to test messages with diverse audiences, including community members, GPs, and practice managers.

  • Attendees sitting at tables at the Circularity of Sports Summit.

    Circularity of Sport

    We presented this interactive event in partnership with Green Planet Sport, and with support from Game on Recycling and Sustainability Victoria.

    Our sporting future (at all levels of play) is facing significant risk. Our favourite venues, fields, courts, ovals are experiencing climate stress. Our love of sport drives overconsumption through vast amounts of equipment, merchandise and uniforms. The Circularity of Sport brought together a cross-section of the Australian sporting industry to explore the intersection of climate and sport, understand opportunities, and brainstorm innovations so sport can become part of the climate solution.

  • A person's hand holding a small plant. Image care of Barossa Council website.

    Sustainability Strategy Roadmap - The Barossa Council

    Working in partnership with Tandem Energy, we supported The Barossa Council to consider how to best deliver on climate and sustainability commitments with limited resources.

    Following research into the local context and a series of client workshops, it was recommended that Council move beyond the traditional model of developing a stand alone climate change or sustainability strategy, and instead move straight into embedding climate into all of Council’s plans, roles, decisions, and actions. This culture change approach puts the onus for action onto all departments and recognises that climate change intersects with every facet of Council's business.

  • Bridge damaged by flooding with an exclamation mark overlayed.

    Evaluation of Community Resilience in Bellingen Shire - Bellingen Shire Council

    Already feeling the dire impacts of climate change, Belligen Shire received federal and state funding to drive community led resilience.

    In collaboration with Once Upon Tomorrow and Ludowyk Evaluation, we evaluated the impact and effectiveness of the funded initiatives and identifed future opportunities to continue to strengthen Bellingen’s resilience. We are using the research and findings from this project to develop a resilience framework that can guide local governments and communities wishing to increase their capacity to respond to and bounce back from shocks and stressors.

  • Paper leaves with community comments written on them.

    Urban Forest Engagement - Mitchell Shire Council and Blacktown City Council

    Working in partnership with Urban Forest Consulting, we designed and co-delivered consultations with the client. Engagement activities included community workshops, pop-up events with a comment-tree, and online surveys.

    For each project, detailed engagement reports were produced to ensure line of sight between what was heard and the final Strategy.

  • Illustrated puzzle pieces that shows a range of climate emergency action.

    Climate Emergency Response Review – City of Darebin

    The City of Darebin broke new ground when it declared a climate emergency and developed its Climate Emergency Plan 2017—2022. Council is now looking to refresh its climate emergency response.

    We were invited to develop recommendations for Darebin’s updated climate emergency response based on the team’s experience developing Strategies for other Councils and the Darebin context.

  • People getting home retrofit advice at the City of Casey showcase.

    Circular Economy Living Lab (CELL) – City of Casey

    Let Me Be Frank partnered with the home renovation platform Evitat to deliver a pilot program to help homeowners assess, quantify and prioritise sustainable choices in their home improvements.

    We coordinated the design and delivery of the Casey Eco Renovators Expo in Cranbourne. Evitat, along with 13 other service providers and suppliers, helped renovators select the best products through a series of panel talks, consultations, and product exhibitions.

    We’re now working with Evitat on how to activate more communities to renovate clever.

  • Outputs from Darebin Council's First Nations Truth Telling workshop.

    First National Engagement in the Climate Emergency Paper - Darebin City Council

    We provided advice on how Council could center First Nations voices, knowledge and experience in their updated Climate Emergency Strategy, and its implementation. The approach recommended builds on existing relationships, considers how First Nations knowledge and time can be truly valued, and recognises that the door should be open to Traditional Owners and Custodians along with other local First Nations people.